Thursday, 3 September 2009

How many chances

How many chances do you think I can give myself at this post a day lark. I mean it's been something like 2 and a half (nearly 3 months) since I last posted. Whoops.

But then, I am the referee and judge and indeed creator of the rules, so I'm just going to allow myself to start again. I'm so kind and forgiving.

To be fair, I have not found the last 12 weeks or so very easy. I found out I was pregnant at the end of June, BRILLIANT. We were all pretty chuffed. But early pregnancy is tough. I felt very tired and a bit sick all the time (nothing like when I was pg with Miss Sharp but that's a whole other blog).

In August, just after my birthday I had a scan which showed that I had had a missed miscarriage. That's to say, the baby (I know it wasn't a baby, I was only 11 weeks, but it would have been our baby so baby it is) had stopped developing several weeks previously but my body didn't seem to know this. Everything else was still growing and supporting a futile pregnancy.

Not so brilliant.

The weeks following that scan were very difficult. I had to have an operation as I didn't miscarry naturally and I also managed to fall down the stairs and really hurt my back. Of course it was also very difficult emotionally for me and Mr Handy and Misses Sharp and Crazy.

But a few weeks later and the sadness dissipates and we are starting to think about trying again. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say I am starting to become obsessed again, with temping and charting and cycles. I'm not a control freak for nothing.

Anyway (possibly the word I most overuse) I didn't start this blog to talk about fertility or our attempts to have a baby. So I won't go on about it. But I'm glad to have written a little something about it, to acknowledge that it happened.

See you tomorrow (yeah right HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

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