Friday 12 February 2010

Inconsiderate b***tard drivers

So I had one of 'those' drivers behind me the other day. A woman in a stupid Rav 4 contraption (never understood the point of them).

The road we were on is fairly big and busy. But it's also residential. The speed limit is 30 and ther are signs EVERYWHERE and speed cameras and signs and more signs. They really want you to drive at 30.

So, I'm a good citizen. Most of the time. I was doing 30, 32 tops. And this tw*t behind me, she's very impatient. Doing that annoying thing of driving right up on my bumper and pulling out slightly every now and then to see if she can get past.

Anyway, she finally does, at some traffic lights, when the road briefly expands to 2 lanes. And she shoots off at f*cking stupid mph. But not before I have time to read her bumper sticker.

It says 'Am I driving well? Call 1-0800 don't give a shit'

WOW. Not only does she know she is an inconsiderate and dangerous driver. She is also PROUD of this fact.


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Friday 5 February 2010

A day off to look for beetles

Miss Crazy having a conversation with Mr Handy last Friday

Miss Crazy: It's a long weekend this weekend, isn't it?

Mr Handy: Is it, why?

Miss Crazy: We're not going to school on Monday. It's beetle day.

Mr Handy: Beetle Day?!?

Miss Crazy: Yes, beetle day. No, I mean, Insect day.

Mr Handy: Do you mean INSET day?

Miss Crazy very confused

Thursday 28 January 2010


Whilst I was perambulating about North Reigate this afternoon on my daily walk I realised something.

I realised that deep down inside myself somewhere I believe that I have to earn this baby that we want so desperately. I believe that I am not getting pregnant because I am not good enough, or kind enough or deserving enough or something.

I'm not sure yet if it is liberating or devastating to acknowledge that this is a fallacy.

Saturday 23 January 2010


Walking at Polesden Lacey. Fair warmed my heart I tell you.

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Monday 11 January 2010

A Mystery

This was what I saw on the bonnet of my car this morning when I came down to drive to work.

I'm sure there is a perfectly rational and BORING explanation but I don't want to know it. To me, it is a wonderous mystery!

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Sunday 10 January 2010

Polesden Lacey

It wasn't a great start. Took forever to get the car started. And even when it finally did I managed to stall it immediately and then it took forever to start it again. I was sacked from being the driver :(

And when we got there, at half past two, there was a sign saying they were shutting at three because of the bad weather.

But, for the 20 minutes or so we were there we had a brilliant time. Particularly, running down any and every slope we could find, no matter how insignificant.

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Saturday 9 January 2010


A wanted to come with me when I went for my daily walk today. This was surprising as it was late and cold and snowing a blizzard.

She normally starts moaning after about two minutes. My feet are cold. I want to go home. I'll never be warm again. But today she was delightful.

We walked through the park, round the lake and back again. She held my hand and we chatted. It was bliss.

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